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Electrolytes and the Ketogenic Lifestyle

Electrolytes are totally the bomb — and have become a major staple in my keto lifestyle.  If anything, the ketogenic regime opened my eyes to how important hydration is!

Electrolytes are minerals that form electrically-charged particles (ions) that are distributed through the fluid in your body.  Some of the key benefits to hydrating with electrolytes include regulating nerve and muscle function, maintaining the correct acidity (pH) of your blood, controlling your fluid balance, regulating blood pressure, and helping to rebuild damaged tissue.

Electrolyte supplements generally contain sodium, potassium, and magnesium which is ideal for the ketogenic lifestyle as they offer amped-up hydration for flushing your entire system as well as the proper nutrients for preventing headaches and fatigue.

The two products I cannot live without include:

1) Lyte Balance Electrolyte Liquid Concentrate

2) Ultima Flavored Electrolyte Powder


My Hydration Journey

Before I get into my review of these two amazing electrolyte supplements, allow me to share my story on how using these products has made a huge difference in my overall health.

No new confession here, I am a workaholic by trade. For over 30 years I have habitually worked long hours literally every day of the week.  I blame this firstly on my chosen professions, but mostly on my overactive mind. I am super creative by nature, passionately driven and my “brain” never rests!

As prior editor/publisher, semi-retired low-light live entertainment photojournalist, and current special event coordinator, my typical daily regime is to “get up and work!”, so to describe it eloquently, I was leading a never-ending dry-fasting lifestyle (aside from coffee) primarily due to being buried up to my eyeballs in alligators!  On a good day, I would manage to tear myself away to consume a “marathon” meal, and fluids generally consisted of a “smart cocktail” at the end of the day.

Water was also my enemy!  Some viewers may relate to this.  Ever since I could remember, I have had major stomach upset (inclusive of acid reflux and heartburn), and drinking water would excel the discomfort – regardless if it was from the tap or bottled!   And so as all bad experiences lead to refusal, I simply avoided drinking water from a very early age.

My body’s demand for hydration kicked in when my photojournalism pursuits resulted in my working 11 hours in my “day career”, followed by a “one hour nap”, and capped off with a following 4 hours of high-impact, physical labor covering live bands.  This schedule left me literally dying of thirst all day and all night!

Initially, I would buy bottled electrolytes from the pharmacy, however, at well over $10/bottle, it was hard to justify.  Thankfully, and when I became serious about the Ketogenic Lifestyle, my research introduced me to better quality products.

Review on Lyte Balance Electrolyte Liquid Concentrate

Electrolyte products are generally expensive, however, Lyte Balance offers value for the investment at approximately $30 per bottle for 64 super-charged servings.

This electrolyte brand is ideal for the ketogenic lifestyle as it contains no caffeine or preservatives, and has zero calories, zero carbs, zero sugars and, zero proteins!

Because the brand is unflavored, I use it as a staple in my daily “superfood smoothies”, which consist of all-natural ingredients such as spirulina, L-Carnitine, matcha, turmeric… …and whatever else happens to make its way into the Magic Bullet!

If I do find myself consuming plain water, I find that this electrolyte gives the water a pleasant, light “salty” taste, and the water does not give my heartburn or acid reflux.

Supplement Fact (1 capful – 1/4 ounce serving)
— 350mg potassium — 281mg Sodium — 50mg magnesium
— 0 calories — 0 carbs — 0 protein


Review on Ultima Flavored Electrolyte Powder

Total LOVE this electrolyte supplement and for not only the taste!  After discovering that electrolytes were available in a powder formulation and flavored, my water consumption has increased immensely, and with no stomach upset!

My “go-to” flavor is Ultima’s Cherry Pomegranate — and let me tell you, this is an incredible flavor that needs to be toned-down from time to time — however, its intensity creates many wonderful taste explosions when included in smoothies!

Although the product is on the more expensive side (approx $70+), the container offers 60 servings based on one scoop which is 3.4 grams.  Although Ultima recommends one scoop to 16 fluid ounces, for some who do not like sweet, I recommend adding additional water to saturate the flavor intensity.  Since I am hydrating with it in water throughout the day I believe that adding less to smoothies, water, etc. is giving me the required boost.

The key to this delicious powder is that it contains 6 electrolytes and support minerals ( see “supplement fact” below) and has zero calories, zero carbs, zero sugars and, zero proteins — making this electrolyte supplement yet another idea product of keto lifestyle hydration.

The additional minerals are also very impressive!  I love that each scoop is giving me a shot of vitamin C, calcium, chloride and phosphorous in addition to the sodium, potassium, and magnesium

On a final note, if adding to water, make sure you shake it up as sediment does form if left too long.  Oh, and for those of you who chug a tablespoon of flax oil, water infused with this powder kills the flax taste immediately!

Supplement Fact (1 scoop – 3.4 gram serving)
— 0 fat — 0 cholesterol — 0 carbs — 0 sugars — 0 proteins
— Low sodium: 55mg

— 65g calicum — 250mg potassium — 100mg vitamin C — 70mg phospherous — 100mg magnesium — 78g chloride

SHOP my recommended “keto-approved” electrolytes, click through HERE

To view all the “Keto Approved” products that I have researched, visit KETO APOTHECA


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